He cut the lavender silk, and nearly sewed it into a beautiful gown that just fitted the new dolly.
The spool bed is the one she grew up in, its headboard slipcovered with lavender silk.
She wore a gown of lavender silk and over it a gold shawl bristling with embroidery.
She was walking across the floor now with swirling lavender silk and crisp resounding steps.
All six had been garroted with lavender silk and mutilated after death.
I had a dress,' she said, 'an evening gown in lavender silk.
A discordant collage ran through my mind: punk sculptures, black books, power plants, and bloody bolts of lavender silk.
His clothes, normally so immaculate, were disheveled, the lavender silks ripped and spattered with blood.
They were a pale lavender silk that echoed his eyes and looked too delicate a color for men's sleepwear.