The hoons appeared to pour more lavish attention on their boats than their homes.
In the past, candidates for major party nominations who get lavish attention have usually been officeholders or generals.
All this in the industry that has received the most lavish attention since 9/11.
Furniture, decorative objects and antiquities were also getting lavish attention at this year's fair.
There has been lavish attention and a whole season of premature gifts.
Though small and inconspicuous, the brass switch plates received lavish attention.
Residents agree that the campaigning this year is particularly intense, but are divided about whether the lavish attention constitutes an opportunity or a nuisance.
They will show concern over another's wounds, and lavish attention on a sickly infant.
They spent money to identify subgroups of voters and lavish attention on people who never felt political love.
Nonetheless, state child-abuse laws get lavish attention from lawmakers eager to find a way to address the problem without spending more money.