For almost five centuries, the local Greek communities throughout Istanbul clebrated pre-Lent carnival with weeks of bawdy parades, lavish balls and street parties.
For about nine years the mansion was the site of lavish balls and receptions.
Belmont threw lavish balls and dinner parties, receiving mixed reviews from New York's high society.
She held lavish balls at her brothel to attract new customers and to mingle with the upper classes.
The new grand duchess enjoyed entertaining at evening dinners and lavish balls attended by the cream of Saint Petersburg society.
During the rest of the 18th century, lavish balls and concerts were held in the Palace, and were attended by noteworthy artists including Mozart and Beethoven.
He threw lavish balls supporting the opera, the ballet, the symphony.
She may have planned to use them for her famously lavish balls and entertainments.
The current Town Hall officially opened on 9 August 1870 with a lavish ball, which was personally funded by the Lord Mayor Samuel Amess.
Sir John held so many lavish balls, banquets and other social activities at the mansion that he became known as the "hospitable knight of Regentville".