It has a shorter running time, fewer showy star turns, a less lavish budget for truffles.
Termed as Kapoor's magnum opus, the film was produced at lavish budget by his production company R. K. Films.
Even without lavish budgets, Chinese entrepreneurs are finding ways to create stylish destinations for aesthetically attuned customers.
However without Tom and Jerry's more lavish budget for full animation, the Jinks team had to rely on funny dialogue and voices to carry the cartoon's humor.
For "The Lady in Waiting," made on a lavish $25,000 budget, Mr. Taylor deliberately narrowed his cast to two actors as a way of insuring directorial control.
They lure him with the best possible actors, lavish budgets and ample rehearsal time - far more than most American theaters could even contemplate.
In doing so, she initially earns the ire of Bobby Hobbes, who covets the comparatively lavish budget and equipment that she enjoys.
Think about it: farm subsidies aside, which domestic programs have received lavish budget increases over the last three years?
While Savoy's films were known for their lavish budgets, none of them came close to the $45 million that it cost to make another still-to-be-adopted movie, "Lolita."
Shot in Calcutta on a lavish budget of Rs.75,000, East India Film Company's Sati Savithri was a huge hit.