Also, Pharmacia has reportedly agreed to purchase AT&T's former lavish headquarters in Basking Ridge (the asking price was $260 million).
Flush with money, Latino built a lavish high-rise headquarters here and decorated it with expensive oil paintings and sculpture.
And so far, no one has suggested that Litton passed the costs of its lavish headquarters on to taxpayers.
In the late 1960's, the Ford Foundation moved into its handsome and lavish headquarters on East 42d Street.
Including, presumably, the flamboyant municipal building in Portland, Ore.; the lavish headquarters for Humana in Louisville, Ky., and the intimate San Juan Capistrano Library.
Jacques Attali's resignation from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development followed reports about his use of private jets and his spending on a lavish headquarters.
In the mid-1990s, the bank started construction on a lavish new headquarters in the center of Moscow.
Analysts point to a lavish new headquarters, built in the midst of Borland's troubles, as a sign of a growing complacency incompatible with the barbarian spirit.
At its lavish headquarters, Russia's most powerful company makes no bones about which candidate it is supporting in the presidential election.
The N.R.O., for example, built itself a lavish new $300 million headquarters in the northern Virginia suburbs that the committee maintains was undertaken without fully disclosing the size or expense of the building to Congress.