They wonder whether it is the need that is greater, or just the expense of a more lavish life.
He lived a lavish life in the palace, but all the time felt a growing inclination to renounce the world.
This is our perspective on the lavish life of hotels.
Despite his wealth, he was not known for a lavish life.
He lived a lavish life, spend more money than was available and had to be ordered back early by his uncle in 1623.
Investigators now suspect he was siphoning off millions to support an increasingly lavish life in Greenwich.
She does not lead a lavish life and, aside from her house, she has only enough to live on.
In the ghetto he lived a lavish life, collecting hefty sums from others by various means.
At the time Metcalf led a lavish social life that included heavy drinking.
The planters are a close-knit group who lead comfortable, even lavish, lives.