But while making a lavish living in the Hollywood film and recording studios, he also had a considerable concert career.
Holladay had a reputation for lavish living.
In 1959, Queen magazine declared that "Britain has launched into an age of unparalleled lavish living."
But while the jewels may have remained intact, his lavish living and matrimonial settlements much diminished the family fortune.
He acquired the nickname "Big Spender" for his love of lavish living.
Can the "Class War," that the 1% is engaged in to keep their level of lavish living be more clear?
The money has been squandered on lavish living, lost in speculative investments or stashed where it can't be found.
Beals gradually fell into poverty, years of lavish living and the effects of the Depression having taken their toll.
The Newport houses were highly artificial - stage sets, almost, for lavish living for an entire two-month season.
By consumption, economists do not necessarily mean lavish living.