The answers are to be found in the same 1979 manifesto which, Mrs Thatcher warned, contained 'no lavish promises'.
Thatcher: 'No lavish promises'
Churchill made lavish promises of military help (code-named operation 'Hardihood').
Moreover a blunt and stolid regard for literal truth indisposes them to make those lavish promises by which the more judicious Circle can in a moment pacify his consort.
But later he had regained their good-will by more lenient treatment and lavish promises of booty; they fought with enthusiasm and gained a complete victory.
The fact is, he brings a latecomer's cagey skepticism and ambivalence to the lavish promises of his trade.
And some of the Hollywood studios showed up with previews, lush praise, lavish promises and a few celebrities on leashes.
Thus, assuring sellers that the broker can produce a truly appealing color brochure could mean more than lavish promises of display advertising in the most exclusive magazines.
The Lib Dems can likewise forget about making any lavish promises in their next manifesto.
Three months ago, mindful of rising Iraqi frustration over the slow pace of change, Mr. Bremer made lavish promises that have only partly been met.