Some actors were barred or demoted to small theaters in the countryside, while those who obediently accepted the party's direction were lavishly rewarded.
Whereas your most junior military tribunes are rewarded lavishly.
He said his colleagues were lavishly rewarded for their successes and tortured by the secret police when they failed to deliver.
Any rebellions were ruthlessly suppressed, while territories that didn't rebel were lavishly rewarded.
He was lavishly rewarded for his efforts, and made the governor of Tabe.
He said that I had executive skills that would surely have been more lavishly rewarded if I had employed them in private industry.
She seems to be tolerated by the regime, yet not (until recently, at least) lavishly rewarded.
The chief beneficiaries are the lavishly rewarded superstars and their agents.
Its top executives were lavishly rewarded.
Empire's managers performed ineptly, the study shows, yet they were lavishly rewarded.