For an instant, Langdon thought the laws of physics had ceased to exist.
When a law is declared unconstitutional by the Court, the law ceases to have effect the day following the publication of the decision.
Inside that singularity, the laws of physics will cease to operate.
When the Court declares a law unconstitutional, the law ceases to have effect the day after the publication of the ruling.
This is when the known laws of gravity cease to be valid.
Katie was afraid to go to school because law and order ceased to exist there.
The law will cease obstructing the champions of justice!
A further consequence was that the laws of nature had ceased to function as they should.
It is widely believed that Moore's law will cease to hold in 10-15 years using silicon technology.
She had never known him so relaxed before, as if for a space of time duty and the law had ceased to matter.