The ruling said the 1986 law discriminated against independent candidates because it limited their number to 48.
The Administration was responding to a finding by the trade group earlier this year that American environmental laws unfairly discriminated against gasoline imported from Venezuela and Brazil.
The referendum followed the Supreme Constitutional Court ruling that the 1987 elections were unconstitutional as the 1986 electoral law discriminated against independent candidates.
An arbitration board found in favour of the union, ruling that section 15 was violated as the law discriminated against women employees by subjecting them to a larger share of the brunt of the cuts.
Collver claimed this law discriminated against the Unionests on the basis of their political beliefs and took the government to court, but the provincial Court of Appeal disagreed.
Mr. Helms said the law discriminated against people who had to pay higher premiums because of ailments other than AIDS and had caused insurance companies to refuse to insure city residents because of high costs.
Free love particularly stressed women's rights since most sexual laws discriminated against women: for example, marriage laws and anti-birth control measures.
They also said the law discriminated against businesses because it did nothing to stop others from sending unsolicited faxes.
A man felt this law discriminated against him.
Mr. Leudemann said the law discriminated against restaurants that have bar areas by exempting stand-alone bars.