"Those laws have been on the books and upheld by the Supreme Court, but we've got a massive cheating system that is evading them."
If the man had killed you, he said, finding you with his wife, the law would have upheld him.
The police and prosecutors said yesterday that they, too, were troubled that the law would not uphold more serious charges.
The Court has, however, upheld more recent civil rights laws based on other powers of Congress.
These laws both make our country strong in the fight against terrorism and uphold the Constitution by requiring warrants.
The law only upholds unions where both partners are either suspended or conscious.
Knight won his claim, establishing the principle that Scots law would not uphold the institution of slavery.
The law upheld the first system as long as the aristocracy was supreme.
Both the Treaties and now national laws uphold the principle of equal pay for men and women.
By respecting these freedoms, the law upholds the right to choose a particular way of life.