And changing the law to accommodate the law violators isn't exactly the perception I have of this society.
In the year or two after the Board was created, it paroled a large percentage of this type of law violator.
The National Prohibition Act was repealed and there was a dramatic reduction in the number of this type of law violator in federal prisons.
The housing division would then do spot post-auditing, raising the specter of rent decreases and penalties for law violators.
The division investigates violations of the state securities laws, can levy fines on law violators, and can request the Indiana Attorney General peruse criminal charges.
The Mayor and others press for a stern signal to zoning law violators.
He mentioned that the order already mandates that when law violators are arrested, the first thing police are supposed to do is notify immigration if they believe they're undocumented.
Law enforcement duties of this Office include patrolling the counties, preventing crime, investigating violations of the law, and apprehending law violators.
"I realize that officers must be granted some immunity in doing their job, but the key issue is whether they have absolute immunity in the pursuit of suspected law violators," Ms. McHugh said.
In 1922, before a national convention of the fremasonic Grotto, Looney's thugs provided - i.e. sold - protection for law violators.