For training, the group favours lawless areas where it can operate freely and in secret.
Stoning also occurred in lawless areas, where vigilantes committed the act for political purposes.
The chaos left lawless areas beyond the reach of the police and the military, especially along the border with Serbia.
But the problem is hardly contained to Pakistan's lawless tribal areas.
At the start of the sanatorium, it was a lawless area with wandering vagabonds.
The "Strip" became a lawless area of saloons, bordellos, and gambling houses.
It is in a desolate and largely lawless area, populated by Pashtun tribes.
These uphold the belief that cyberspace is not a lawless area, but is subject to the rule of law.
These people often say that the Internet is a lawless area.
This lawless area was popular with players as it allowed them to escape the strict parameters of a military campaign.