Now, more than a month after the fighting subsided, Iraq remains a lawless land without basic services like electricity, fresh water and decent medical care.
It had been lied for and killed for, and I was in a lawless land.
Sometimes seen as Wolfwood is taking that verse to heart in a lawless land.
Texas in those days had the reputation of a wild lawless land.
It is a lawless land, vast, sparcely populated and with little or no gov't control in many places.
The area between the forts is a lawless no man's land, menaced by bandits and brigands.
Most of it came from the lawless lands between England and Scotland in the 14th and 15th centuries.
He was, after all, traveling alone, without a translator or a bodyguard, in a lawless land whose language he barely understood.
The town is near the Khyber Pass frontier, a lawless land that has long been a training ground and sanctuary for terrorists.
"At night, it is like a lawless land on this avenue," said Mark Tang, who lives nearby.