Still, some lawmakers feel pretty good about the year's work.
On the other hand, many lawmakers feel that the financial markets will force them to do something.
Many lawmakers feel he has handled the crisis well so far.
But the state's lawmakers felt they had to do something, and this spring they did so by an overwhelming margin.
But lawmakers are still feeling generous when it comes to borrowing money to pay for future programs.
As usual, few outsiders are paying attention, so the Governor and the lawmakers feel little pressure to compromise.
Apparently the lawmakers feel that giving the people this would cost too much, but that's another story.
But the lawmakers also felt that business meals and entertainment include a measure of personal benefit.
But lawmakers in both parties feel time, if not options, are running out, and the last resort may soon be the only option.
After all, when the national economy is troubled, lawmakers might feel obliged to stick close to their desks.