But some experts are already pointing out that lawmakers left a variety of significant issues unaddressed.
And lawmakers left to regulators the task of addressing abuses in new stock offerings.
The lawmakers actually packed up and left Albany last week without voting on several pieces of critical legislation.
It was unclear whether a compromise would be reached before the lawmakers left for their summer recess, which will begin Thursday.
With the president far from the capital for much of the day, those lawmakers left behind became the nation's public presence.
The vote was one of the last acts before lawmakers left for a weeklong recess.
He vowed to bring up the moratorium again before lawmakers leave for their holiday recess.
The announcement was made at the end of the day, when most lawmakers had already left Albany for the weekend.
When Democratic lawmakers left the state to stall a vote, he once again abused his power by sending federal agents after them.
The confusion remained considerable as the lawmakers left the Kremlin for the day.