Ultimately, he seems to believe, the lawmakers and the governor will see things his way.
Still, some lawmakers have seen the potential for trouble with such upfront payments.
Rank-and-file lawmakers will see their annual salaries increase to $21,788 as of January 1999, from $16,760.
So some lawmakers saw the governor's threat as real.
Other lawmakers, especially Republicans, see a much smaller amount and possibly none at all this soon.
And many lawmakers see tax incentives as an efficient way to lift output over the short term.
Since lawmakers have not yet seen the report, there is no way to know how its recommendations will fare in Congress.
Much as they may wish to improve health care for poor people, lawmakers see no need to increase doctors' income.
He wants lawmakers in Washington to see what their $20 billion is paying for and how much more may be needed.
As a result, lawmakers have not seen a raise in 16 years.