In fact, the reforms have worked well to protect consumers' rights to sue while weeding out lawsuit abuse.
The fact that it exists testifies to the continued frustration physicians feel as they try to care for their patients amidst the epidemic of lawsuit abuse.
The Congressman says the bill doesn't address lawsuit abuse or require members of Congress to be on the 'public opinion' plan.
"We're fighting back against lawsuit abuse," he said.
More than 30 states, including Alabama in early June, have passed laws since 1995 aimed at reining in what critics call rampant lawsuit abuse.
But he seized on lawsuit abuse as a potent political issue, and he has benefited from its ability to attract campaign contributions from businesses.
Curbing lawsuit abuse was one of just four issues Mr. Bush emphasized in his campaign for governor in 1994.
"For the good of the economy we need to end lawsuit abuse," Mr. Cheney said.
Federal rules mandating sanctions for frivolous suits were watered down in 1993, resulting in the current crisis of widespread lawsuit abuse.
Business groups and tort reform supporters had lobbied for the legislation, arguing that it was needed to prevent class-action lawsuit abuse.