Republicans have filed a lawsuit contesting the election of Christine O. Gregoire, the Democrat, who won by 129 votes after two recounts and was sworn in this month.
Ms. Forsyth declined to say why, adding that the matter is part of a lawsuit contesting canceled projects.
The provisional dismissal becomes effective if the debtor does not initiate a lawsuit contesting the validity of the creditor's claim within twenty days.
It calls for the Town of Woodbridge and five local opponents to drop lawsuits contesting the upgrade.
In February 2009, Lionsgate and The Weinstein Company filed lawsuits contesting ownership of the rights to release Precious.
So, in both cases, local Democrats filed lawsuits contesting the election, arguing that Republicans were given favorable treatment that had an effect on the outcome of the election.
A lawsuit contesting the evictions is expected to be decided in August.
The ruling by Judge William L. Dwyer of Federal District Court in Seattle left both sides in the long-running dispute free to continue lawsuits contesting the plan.
Jose de Lara, national director of the League of United Latin American Citizens, said he expected more lawsuits contesting discrimination by government agencies against Hispanics.
The Quedlinburg treasures will be stored at the Dallas Museum of Art but not displayed there until a lawsuit contesting their ownership is settled, the museum announced yesterday.