The Supreme Court ruled that lawyers could advertise in 1977, and such ads have increased significantly since the mid-1980's.
In the top 75 television markets nationwide, 2,000 lawyers advertise on television and spend close to $200 million collectively on advertising.
We should return to a world in which lawyers do not advertise.
And even though her lawyers advertised for the woman she'd met at the burger joint, nobody came forward to verify her story.
Most states now allow lawyers to advertise, and many of them most enthusiastically do.
A lawyer advertised over the Internet, the web of computer networks, reaching possibly millions of people.
A trailblazer outside the courtroom as well, he became famous in the era before lawyers advertised.
The central point of contention in this case was the fact that the lawyers were advertising the prices they charged for particular services.
Soon after the verdict, lawyers confident of a similar outcome in the British courts advertised for people willing to be test cases here.
The Society also sets out rules for how lawyers should advertise.