A lawyer assisting Mrs. Lambert in the case said she was "well known to be on a very hostile and unfriendly basis" with Judge Roth.
Although Mitchell will head the investigation, he will have three lawyers assisting him, one from his law firm and two from the law firm of Bob DuPuy, baseball's president.
A lawyer assisting in the inquiry, John Inglesino, said that Mr. Stern was still investigating a range of alleged impropriety at the school.
Other meetings were held in Gaza and in the Jerusalem offices of Yitzhak Molhok, a lawyer assisting Mr. Netanyahu in the negotiations.
"General Re said, 'We want out,"' as the potential for losses mounted, said Mr. Cantilo, the lawyer assisting Virginia regulators.
Ms. Parisse, who is 28 (and was 14 when "Law & Order" began), plays Alexandra Borgia, the lawyer assisting the more senior prosecutor (Sam Waterston).
In addition to Mr. Seow, another lawyer assisting the detainees, Patrick Seong Kwok Kei, has been arrested.
American lawyers assisting the Iraqi tribunal say Iraqi rules of procedure will give judges wide discretion to curb defendants who attempt to use the hearings for political ends.
Mr. Sedler is one of a group of lawyers assisting the American Civil Liberties Union in its effort to have Michigan's law on assisted suicide declared unconstitutional.