He mentioned in passing that he believed that the lawyer and the mistress had conspired to get Mr. Mitra killed by responding to the Pather kanta ad.
That's not to say that the lawyers are somehow conspiring against their client with investment banks or private equity firms, or violating professional ethics rules governing conflicts.
Chevron has challenged the fine, arguing that lawyers and supporters of the indigenous groups who brought the case conspired to fabricate evidence.
Last week Mr. Moussaoui declared he wanted to defend himself at trial, claiming that his court-appointed lawyers were conspiring with the government to deliver the death penalty.
At his last hearing, Mr. Moussaoui stood up and read a statement in which he insisted that his court-appointed lawyers were conspiring with the government to have him executed.
Leaks from the camp authorities fueled rumors that the camp authorities had reason to believe that detainee's lawyers had actively conspired with the detainees in arranging the suicides.
I am saying that the lawyers of my daughter's murderers conspired to deny me justice, and revenge for her death.
Did Kenneth Starr, Paula Jones's lawyers and Linda Tripp conspire to catch the President in a perjury trap?
To every privilege there are exceptions; a lawyer, for example, cannot conspire with his client in committing a crime, and a reporter's testimony may be necessary in a capital case.