His lawyer was currently lodging an "abusive treatment" complaint, but that was just going through the motions.
Sandiford's lawyer, Fadillah Agus, lodged an appeal with the Indonesian High Court on 11 February.
On 12 December 2006, Murdoch appealed against his life sentence in the Supreme Court where his lawyers lodged eight grounds of appeal.
This week Mrs Weber's lawyers lodged the 18th application for her release on bail, and received the 18th refusal.
On 2 March 2011, Assange's lawyers lodged an appeal with the High Court challenging the decision to extradite him to Sweden.
On 18 April 2011, Lane's lawyers lodged an appeal against her conviction as a Sydney taxi driver made claim he allegedly saw Lane dispose of the child.
In court, his lawyers have denied all allegations of misconduct, including what one lawyer called "the drumbeat of charges" lodged by creditors.
Ceausescu's lawyers immediately lodged an appeal against the verdict.
In December 2005, lawyers acting for Parkin lodged a Federal Court challenge seeking to quash the adverse security assessment.
On 2 March 2011, Assange's lawyers lodged papers at the High Court challenging the ruling to extradite Assange to Sweden, saying the allegations were "without basis".