Defense lawyers, politicians and community leaders praised the state's frank, if late, admission but said the legal and political implications were still far from certain.
A lawyer for the city, which also is a defendant, praised the ruling.
A lawyer for the newspaper, which had sought access to the transcripts for nearly 18 months, praised the ruling.
Class-action lawyers who negotiated the settlement praised the decision.
Admiral Kimmel's lawyer praises his client, who, he says, was denied vital information.
But their lawyers and families praised the district attorney's office and expressed relief that the men's long ordeal would soon end.
His lawyers praised the ruling, and said they were heartened by the debate the case had inspired.
Her lawyer praised today's decision as a first step toward justice.
Indian lawyers praised the seizure, and want the bones.
After the judgment Strauss-Kahn's lawyers praised the decision but attacked the fact that the case had gone so far.