A lawyer for Mr. Abadi reacted sharply to the indictments.
The Castros' lawyer reacted angrily to the indictments, insisting his clients were innocent.
Academics and lawyers involved in the case reacted angrily to the statement.
Dr. Pou's lawyer reacted cautiously to the coroner's statements.
The agency's lawyers and advocates for immigrants reacted to the announcement with caution.
The two lawyers reacted differently today to the announcement.
"That's partly why many lawyers and the state bar have reacted to the practice as exploitive and unprofessional."
But lawyers at the firm reacted nervously when the students showed them an illustration of their plans during a meeting in May, according to student notes from the meeting.
The judges, lawyers, and audience reacted to Pandico's story with a mixed reaction of interest, shock, horror and bemused curiosity.
Trial transcripts can be easy and even enjoyable reading, once you get into the judge's particular rhythm and see how the lawyers react to it.