Yes there is a problem in the Eurozone and the US, largely as a consequence of excessive borrowing and lax fiscal policy.
The main source of the inflationary pressure on the Chilean economy was a remarkably lax fiscal policy.
China's lax policies on copyright protection offer the country the advantages of both bread and circuses.
I fear you Americans have rather lax policies governing the detention of the insane.
The Norton plane is a result of those lax policies.
An inappropriately lax monetary policy would not create better conditions for the emergence of a new economy.
Appropriate accommodating monetary policy is not lax monetary policy.
The same applies to industrial policies where lax environmental policies affect our water, and to transport policy and energy policy etc.
On the contrary, it is quite wrong to claim that they will lead to a more lax policy in this field.
In the longer term, highly indebted advanced economies will probably keep lax policies in place for too long, leading to global inflationary pressures.