Corporate governance experts have worried about lax rules surrounding trusts.
Regulators are going after some supporting organizations and donors that they say have violated even the current lax rules.
He also argues, rather convincingly, that lax rules allowed pension sponsors to get away with inadequate funding.
Companies from both east and west have benefited from the lax rules.
This doesn't mean lax rules, soft demands, or easy goals.
It hoped to get the state to approve relatively lax rules for the entire state that would supersede the local ones.
Under lax Federal rules, the term may simply refer to a product's color, flavor or texture.
It is also interesting that fairly lax rules on verification exist in the United States.
And perhaps it was, owing to Taiwan's lax rules on who can sell cars.
Most states have lax rules allowing horses to be treated with Lasix if they show any blood in their windpipes after a workout.