In the main room, it is said, he lay sick of ague and chill fever for four weeks in 1858.
Then Karlov was in an auto accident and lay in a hospital bed, disabled physically for six weeks.
And so what's interesting is that it lay dormant for two weeks.
The bodies lay there for three weeks before they could be recovered, Ms. Mouanes said, serving as a constant reminder of the tragedy here.
Usually two to five eggs are laid and incubated for 3 to 5 weeks.
As to the dogs, they later hunted a wood in which a dead body lay for six weeks before it was found.
He lay near death for two weeks, and his recovery required more than a year.
After emergency surgery, he lay in a coma for three weeks.
Ronnie lay in a coma for eight weeks.
I lay feverish and near death for two weeks, and weird visions filled my mind.