During the first three year term of his contract, he laid out the land survey of the Victoria district including the urban and rural areas.
The same year he laid out a naturalistic English landscape park, including a lake and folly.
Mr. Libeskind will also lay out the design guidelines for commercial buildings at the site, including their height, square footage, building outlines and floor sizes.
In this piece, Hodgson laid out in detail his negative experiences at sea, including facts and figures about salaries.
In an earlier interview, he laid out his country's position, including a demand that Mr. Milosevic deliver those indicted for war crimes to the tribunal.
The proposals lay out across-the-board reductions of up to 20 percent in most departments, including children's services, the coroner, the district attorney, the sheriff and the courts.
Crockett Street once included an entirely different lay out including such clubs as; Bobby Magues and Scout bar.
Two months later, the council passed a resolution that laid out the terms, including a requirement that the city provide reports of the sale's progress.
The company laid out five plants for closing, including four in the United States.
Kira laid out her damp clothes, including Furel's mangy coat, on the cave floor to dry.