The particular crisis came over the question of "lay patrons", who had the right to "present"
However the courts generally upheld the rights of lay patrons, and thus the issue became one of Church and State.
Personifying the ideals of the city took on a role as a lay patron, complementary to that of Santa Rosalia.
The lay patron has only to present the name of a candidate who is suitable in his opinion.
Yevele's work for other lay patrons belonged to the 1370s and 1380s.
Pope Gregory IX (1227-41) pronounced against the propriety of such provisions as interfered with the rights of lay patrons.
Private churches erected by lay patrons played an important role in the process.
The legal right of lay patrons to present clergymen of their choice to local ecclesiastical livings led to minor schisms from the church.
But I'd as lief have a lay patron if one offers.
Thietmar was the lay patron who assembled carpenters and stonemasons to build the abbey church.