Other men were laying planks behind the wheels of the truck to keep it from getting stuck in the sand.
Horst and five other men pulled open the wall of trees, then laid planks across the trench so that the people and animals could walk over.
Two guards had come to lay planks over the collapsed landing, interrupting her rest.
Obviously, cutting or breaking down a path through the rushes and laying planks over the swampy ground is the first priority.
My way would be to lay planks and make do with these until I had confirmed that it was in fact a good swim.
It had taken the slaves hours to lay enough planks over the ravine so the lady ward could roll that huge outland machine across the trap.
The Williamites tried to lay planks over the partially wrecked structure, which the Irish Jacobite troops managed to destroy despite coming under intense fire.
Some soldiers were laying planks across it.
The men inside had laid planks over their ditch and sent riders pounding out to warn their comrades of the imperials' coming.
It is a two story structure, built of logs and sheathed with vertically and diagonally laid planks.