When the first horse fell and lay screaming on the ground with a broken leg, it seemed a malign accident.
The child sprawled headlong onto the bridge timbers and lay screaming.
He fell on his back and lay screaming and writhing.
Dozens of other people, rebels and troops, had been hit by shrapnel from the grenade and they lay screaming in the street.
His horse lay screaming in agony on the field ' but he on foot came on.
It rolled over to near Felix's feet and lay screaming.
His horse had its legs cut out from under it and lay screaming like a woman in that shrill manner only horses dying have.
Men and women lay in the street screaming and writhing in agony.
The monsters had been taken absolutely by surprise, and many of them already lay screaming on the ground.
And at the bedside, no one but Rowan as Ellie lay screaming for the morphine.