Here he lay weeping bitterly, till a voice beside him said, "Poor little Elf, what has befallen you?
On the floor beside them, Cadrach lay weeping with his face buried in his sleeve.
She lay shuddering and weeping with delight as though summing up.
Striped with shadow cast by a damp fish net, Emien bent and shook the shoulder of a small girl who lay weeping in the dirt.
She pushed him away, then lay weeping against his shoulder.
Ansset's room, where the boy with perfect Control, now nearly a man in stature and old in grief, lay weeping hysterically when he was awake.
Beyond thinking further about this duplicity, convinced that the world no longer had a place for her, she lay weeping helplessly.
Old Valentine stared at the holographic display of her computer terminal, where the Samoans, all in miniature, lay weeping upon the beach.
Ianira lay weeping silently until the medication he had given her dragged her down into darkness.
Now he lay weeping like a babe at the feet of his conquerors.