The work of a lazy journalist getting information from the USA and nowhere else.
Even though the man is an ignorant tory oaf, the only insult caused is to readers of the press by lazy journalists who are too lazy to research and write real news.
I and my family have refused to go to see this film out of an lingering fear that crappy, lazy journalists would somehow try to link any popularity of the film with support for the politics of Thatcher.
Or are some lazy journalists just following the lead of other lazy journalists?
The above obfuscatory rubbish about legality is put about by the Tories and then repeated by lazy or perfidious journalists.
I don't think the Turner Prize contributed much to this change, (which was initiated by artists in the main) except in providing easy copy for lazy journalists.
A retired Colonel - Niladri Sarkar - is the eccentric sleuth in Syed Mustafa Siraj's stories, narrated by a lazy journalist, Jayanta, who accompanies him on his missions.
They are not doing it for the kids; that comes as a by-product, sometimes embraced by them but often projected by others, including to excuse lazy journalists sitting on Twitter all day.
Empires have been built and fortunes acquired during the Eighties, and most 'lazy' journalists have looked to the States to explain the phenomenon.
("We" meaning Slate 's self-sacrificing software development team, not the lazy, pig-ignorant journalists, let alone the business staff.)