Sometimes I dawdled along at quarter throttle for days at a time, in sync with the lazy rhythms of Caribbean life.
Here the current pounds and smashes the littoral in a slow, lazy rhythm of terrifying power.
Some parts of the city had a quiet, lazy rhythm, and other parts were bustling and busy.
Its back was banded with darker wavy lines and themonstrous tail beat to a lazy rhythm.
Joshua gripped her hips, rocking into her, then followed the slow, lazy rhythm she set.
He leveled off and hugged the riverbed, kicking his flippers with a lazy rhythm.
A creature that goes on living for millions of years falls into a lazy rhythm of existence.
Hugo could hear his pulse in his head now, its lazy rhythm soothing.
Once more, Sage slowed his pace, settling back into that slow, lazy rhythm.
Leather squeaked, hoofs plopped, riding was oneness in a lazy sweet rhythm.