He entered the game leading Texas in scoring (16.2 points) and rebounding (9.3).
Since the loss to Oklahoma last season, Young has led Texas to 11 straight victories.
Kenya Larkin led Texas (19-10, 7-8) with 15 points, 14 in the first half.
Young is a native of Houston and a fan favorite after leading Texas to the national championship.
New York is the second most populous state, leading Texas by about 500,000 people, 17.7 million to 17.2 million.
Walker led Texas to an 18-2 overall record and 10-2 conference record during his second season.
"But I'm not sure if Moses himself was leading Texas he could clear up these problems in the time we have to work with."
Kansas City led Texas by percentage points in the wild-card race going into the game.
He also completed 31 of 40 passes for 269 yards and led Texas on a 56-yard touchdown drive in the game's final 2 minutes 9 seconds.
Last Wednesday, she led Texas with 30 points and hit six 3-point shots.