Draud led Vanderbilt with 14 points.
Billy McCaffrey led Vanderbilt (13-9, 6-6) with 22 points.
Will Perdue led Vanderbilt with 18 points.
In Madden's senior year, he was one of key players who led Vanderbilt to its best season in modern times.
During the 1916 football season, Curry led Vanderbilt to a 7-1-1 record.
Bruce Elder led Vanderbilt (3-3) with 13 points.
Jones, throwing for one first-half touchdown, led Vanderbilt to a 27-13 triumph over Rutgers last year.
In 2008, Johnson led Vanderbilt to its first winning season since 1982.
Moore and Corey Smith led Vanderbilt with 12 points each.
Franklin led Vanderbilt to a bowl game in both of his first two seasons as head coach.