What happened during Dora's life that led to this grotesque mutilation after her death?
This led to a destructive war of succession after George's death in 1503/1504.
Ringer continued leading the group after Chichin's death in November, 2007.
This led to an inventory of all his real and personal property after his death.
A large number of tributes to him were issued by leading Jewish figures and organisations after his death.
Patronage allowed him to become a vocational artist and he began to lead the troupe after his father's death in 1385.
George Parr led the team after Clarke's death in 1856.
No other full-time pastor led the chapel after Stedman's death, and it declined in the early 20th century.
He led the troops after his brother's death.
Eventually, maintenance costs led to its closure as a school after the Duke's death late in the 18th century.