Something she didn't approve to so this eventually led to her first divorce after six years of marriage.
This was not considered good enough and led to the sacking of manager Terry Burton after two years.
Eventually, Ervin's legal challenges and an international campaign led to his release from prison after 15 years.
He led his team to several championships after eighteen years without a championship between 1934 and 1952.
That resentment, as well as other conflicts, led the couple to divorce after 12 years of marriage.
Slow home market sales led to the end of production after four years.
Unfortunately the car would not finish due to an accident, leading to the final retirement of the chassis after 11 years. pioneered online matrimonials when it launched in 1996 and continues to lead the category after more than 15 years.
He has cheated on his wife Charlotte over and over again, which eventually led to divorce after 36 years of marriage.
It was estimated by Muntz himself that his company lost about $1000 on each car, leading to its collapse after just four years in business.