In the movie, the squadron led the first counterattack against the alien forces but was severely defeated, while the air base was destroyed.
George Washington led the new Continental Army against the British forces, who had many successes early in this American Revolution.
His younger brother Zhang Wei, however, insisted on fighting and lead his army against the invading forces.
Mullah Powindah led a long standing guerilla insurgency against the British forces in the late 19th century.
He then led his army against the royal forces to the east.
Mr. Brando led the Indians in three separate assaults against "the forces of injustice," and they lost all three.
In 1775-77, and again in 1781 he led his men against the main British forces.
In 1788, at the Battle of Valkeala, the general led the main attack of the Swedish troops against the Russian forces.
Bäke led his Abt through fierce fighting against the entrenched Soviet forces near Belgorod.
On 28 March 1638, Rajasingha led his army to victory against the Portuguese forces at Gannoruwa.