His attempt at betrayal led to his death at the hands of Doctor Doom.
This ultimately leads to her capture and crucifixion at the hands of Caesar.
This led to the unsavoury event of his murder at the hands of the same stonemasons he worked with.
Skyman led the team until his accidental death at the hands of Mister Bones.
Invariably, the "fish-ins" would lead to raids and arrests at the hands of game agents.
His unstable and violent temperament eventually led to his murder at the hands of a peasant.
Though they failed, their actions led to his death at the hands of Maxwell Lord.
This led to Bumblebee's death at the hands of SerpentO.
This nearly led to his own demise at the hands of the mutineers, but cooler heads prevailed.
He was the lamb led to slaughter at the hands of the great Danny.