The ensuing outcry led to the passage of antislavery legislation in Parliament.
He was also worried about more Singaporeans voting along racial lines, which would lead to a lack of minority representation in Parliament.
The party is led in Parliament by Prime Minister Qarase.
However, his influence was much courted, and he led a powerful faction of Western members in Parliament.
This stance has led to criticism both in Parliament and by the fathers' rights group Fathers4Justice.
Nash failed to turn up for a debate she was to lead in Parliament at 2.30 pm on Tuesday, 6th November 2012.
The reading led to violent disorder in Parliament which continued on the street when the lights were turned of at 10.00 PM.
Revelations about the extreme right past of one member led to a motion in Parliament.
I know that Elmar Brok has been leading on this subject here in Parliament.
This led to somewhat lengthy deliberations in Parliament.