Despite these wounds, he took two men and led them in a successful assault against three German positions which were firing on his company.
Three days later, he reconnoitered an enemy strong point alone, then led his platoon in an assault which successfully destroyed the position.
After surveying the position, Winters then led the squad in an assault on the gun crew.
He led his men in a successful assault at Yorktown that same year.
In 1990, he led a bipartisan coalition in a winning assault on agricultural subsidies.
He leads his followers in a vicious assault on the main camp, injuring people and killing Erik.
The division's commanding officer was killed on the battlefield while personally leading his soldiers in an assault.
Cook led the first wave in an assault on the bridges.
Eliot led a platoon from his company in an assault on the building.
Ramcke led his division in an assault on Rome, and secured the city two days later.