These abnormal gait patterns can increase the stress on the healthy limb, leading to problems later in life such as arthritis.
The injury led to severe health problems later in life.
Failing to receive the needed treatment can lead in later life to problems like anxiety disorder, depression or personality disorders.
Von Dutch's lifelong alcoholism led to major medical issues later in life.
In nine cases of out 10, they lead nowhere in adult life because no orchestra needs more than two players of each.
The working man will always have to be led, whether in army or civilian life.
Some research suggests that childhood trauma, including parental divorce, can lead to much greater risk of heart attack in later life.
As mayor, he led many of the city's largest developments in infrastructure, education, athletics and cultural life.
This development leads to the use of illusion, symbols and objects later on in life.
The poverty of his upbringing led Brown in later life to resent those who had a more privileged background and a university education.