One possibility was to lead the spade queen in the hope that East would duck.
Not surprisingly, however, he led a low heart in the hope that his partner would ruff.
Success would lead to a 25 percent reduction in the 1,600-member work force over several years and the hope of enduring prosperity.
West would win, and probably lead a diamond in the hope of cutting South's communications.
His best chance, no doubt, was to lead the queen in the hope that the ten would fall.
The club ten was led in the hope that East would cover.
She led a diamond to the king, in the faint hope that somebody would win, but West ducked.
Another diamond was led in the hope that East held the heart seven and would be able to uppercut effectively.
South led the heart jack, in the faint hope that West held the king and would cover.
The normal play was to lead the queen, sooner or later, in the hope that West held a doubleton king.