The Canadian and American teams would logically be hit the hardest, but the Americans found a way to lead their group in the first round.
With Vastine leading by two in the final round, the Dominican fighter made a come back and won the fight.
In particular, their lack of an upper range ultimately led to their elimination in the first round.
Which eventually led to a well-publicized breakdown early in the first round of the playoffs.
Polling 34.61% (1,083 votes), he largely led in the first round.
He also led veteran Fred Davis 3-1 in the second round of qualifying, but lost the match 10-4.
The Hornets led all playoff teams in the first round with 200 rebounds, a staggering average of 50 a game.
Mahan led the field in total birdies with 9 in the first round.
He led the British negotiating team in the first round of negotiations in the early 1960s.
As he has been on several occasions, the Australian was leading in the fourth round of a major championship.