Webster's handling of these cases made him one of the era's leading constitutional lawyers, as well as one of the most highly paid.
While opponents of cameras in the courtroom have insisted that such scrutiny could intimidate witnesses and lead lawyers to grandstand - imagine that!
The personality conflicts that had helped bring about that breakup led lawyers at other firms to think twice about growing.
The Institute houses leading technologies, policy analysts, community organizers, lawyers, and academics.
As are the majority of TV and radio presenters, leading bankers, doctors, lawyers, civil servants and even newspaper columnists (though, sadly, not this one).
After hiring one of the country's leading criminal lawyers, she left Mexico for a long vacation in Europe.
A few people managed to talk their way through the gates, but no one could lead soldiers and lawyers from the military judge advocate's office to any tunnels.
An odd diversion, perhaps, from one of the country's leading constitutional lawyers, but he was seized of the gift, and so the poetry became assertive.
These signs led lawyers to conclude that the judge's verdict could leave the 11 facing death by hanging or years in prison.
Internet companies and soaring stock markets led lawyers to demand higher and higher salaries.