There were new leaders, led by the old leaders.
Those figures, he added, were the "constructive therapy" that led so many Republican and Democratic leaders to make their way here this weekend.
Elsewhere, the problems have grown severe enough to lead political leaders to question the spending of tax dollars to keep the fairs afloat.
That has led Republican leaders in New York to avoid the extremely difficult issue of whom they should put up for a probable losing cause.
Unstable conditions led militant leaders such as Messra.
Concerns about safety have led civic leaders to place lifeguard stations along the main beaches and install nighttime lighting.
Political parties apparent dependence upon endorsement by news organizations for election may have led leaders to turn a blind eye to how newspapers acquired their information.
This has led leaders in the field to critically examine the evidence supporting ACT pro and con.
Many revolutionary leaders, led by Mariano Moreno, wanted to declare independence immediately.
Many revolutionary leaders, led by Mariano Moreno, wanted to declare independence immediately and to make a constitution in order to build an independent state.