When a market problem emerges, one attorney general usually becomes the lead negotiator, who then contacts the company.
Even when they are not the lead negotiator in a case, they may take credit for whatever redress their states receive.
The lead negotiator for the banks said Greek government bondholders had made a "significant" new offer, without giving details, however.
"You mean he's going to be the lead negotiator?"
A lawyer is not going to be our lead negotiator.
The lead negotiator was Paulo, whose primary responsibility was to speak directly to the subject.
"It's too volatile," he said, speaking as baseball's lead negotiator in the talks.
There were very few things al-Qaeda would be willing to pay so much to get their lead negotiator back for.
He became the lead negotiator in a transaction that stretched over months.
As the top State Department official dealing with environmental issues, he was the lead negotiator in those talks.
Danilo Medina is considered the PLD leading political strategist and negotiator.
Dennis Robinson, the authority's president and lead negotiator with the teams, announced yesterday that he was leaving the agency to join the National Basketball Association.
"We're just going to keep working," said Bob DuPuy, baseball's chief operating officer and lead negotiator.
Marc S. Ryan, the governor's budget chief and lead negotiator, said the state's proposal would cut wage increases by 2 percent but still leave workers with a nominal pay raise for fiscal 2003.
David Stern, the N.B.A. commissioner and lead negotiator for the owners, conceded shortly before the settlement that there was major repair work to be done.
Both Houses Are Skeptical "We've constantly had these false starts," said Abraham Lackman, a fiscal analyst and lead negotiator for the Senate's Republican majority.
Mr. McConnell, lead negotiator for the administration in lobbying for the bill, said in an interview that the court s restrictions had made his job much more difficult.
He was the chief drafter and lead negotiator of the 2000 Democratic Party platform when Al Gore was the nominee for president.
He was supposed to be appointed Secretary of State in the Foreign Office and lead negotiator with the western allies if the plot had succeeded.
"Very strong, very interesting," remarked Antonio Gonzales, lead negotiator for the General Workers Union.